Martha’s Story

Martha (not her real name) was referred to us at a time in her life when she felt like she could not go on living. Martha’s mother didn’t bear any sons, leading her to be chased away from her matrimonial home. After the separation, Martha stayed with her father who would continue to fund her education but when she was only eleven, her father raped her. He later chased her away and she went to live with her mother.

Martha, later on, met a man who married her. She described the marriage as nothing but a total nightmare. Her husband put her through all sorts of abuse; sexual, physical, emotional, and even verbal. Life seemed unbearable and she had reached her breaking point. All this led Martha to attempt suicide by hanging from the ceiling of her house but thankfully it was a failed attempt as she was rescued. After reflecting on her life, Martha decided to escape her dreadful situation.

We met Martha at the end of 2020. She needed counselling and we were able to provide her with that. Through counselling, Martha was able to perceive life differently and gained the courage to speak up about her life’s trauma including the childhood rape at the hands of her father. 

Due to this intervention, Martha reunited with her three children and lives peacefully in her rural home.

Aisha’s Story

Aisha (not her real name) a university student, met her husband just after high school and soon they were blessed with a child but their relationship took a dramatic turn.

Her husband systematically began alienating her from her family and also from his. He also used up all her savings and this caused Aisha to be financially paralyzed. She could no longer attend school, feed herself, or even travel home to her family. She reported all the abuse she had faced at the hands of her husband to the local authorities but they were not helpful as they just sent them home to resolve their personal differences.

By alienating her from anyone who would be a source of support and strength, Aisha was left with no one to turn to who would help her escape her situation with her husband. He even took her child from her.

In 2021, we got in touch with Aisha and took her through counselling and made referrals so that she could be assisted with her situation. Today, she is back at school and she even got back her child. Aisha is keen on making decisions that are of benefit to her and her child. 

Nafula’s Story

Nafula’s mother had experienced abuse at the hands of Nafula’s father but she got the courage to leave and take her children with her. Nafula’s father later died and her uncles were out to deny them their inheritance. 

On February 2022, Nafula was referred to us. With the help of our volunteer lawyer, the court awarded Nafula and her family their rightful inheritance. We also recommended psycho-social support for Nafula as the stress levels had taken a toll on her. Nafula has since constructed a temporary house for her mother where she lives peacefully.